How to Get it Published: From Conference to Press

This presentation will guide you through the steps to getting your presentations published. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify at least two journals that are appropriate for publication of their project.
  2. Locate and apply publication guidelines to their project.
  3. Develop a draft outline for a publication submission.
  4. Recognize how elements of a conference presentation can be organized for a publication.
Section 1: Welcome and Introductions
Section 2: Review “Get it Published (I)”
Section 3: Telling Your Story: Types of Publications
Section 4: Who is Your Audience?
Section 5: Where to Publish?
Section 6: Selecting an Appropriate Journal
Section 7: Publication with Professional Organizations
Section 8: Developing a Timeline
Section 9: Crafting a Title
Section 10: From Conference to Press: Examples
Section 11: Creating an Outline
Section 12: Writing Your Paper
Section 13: Improving Your Writing
Section 14: Incorporating References
Section 15: Getting and Giving Feedback
Section 16: Manuscript Submission and Review


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