ListServ announcement for May 2018
Contents in this Issue:
California STD/HIV prevention Center Conference, May 23,2018
Southern California Public Health Association Conference, May 9, 2018
CalOSHA Safety Courses.
CE programs at UC Berkeley
Labor and Birth Nursing Core : Loma Linda University
Summer EPI 100 course at UCLA
L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center information
Additional training and information sources
1. The California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center presents a conference entitled, Emerging issues in STD & HIV prevention & Care on May 23, 2018 in Marina Del Rey, CA. This conference is CME/CEU applicable. To register and for more information, visit
2. The Southern California Public Health Association is having an annual conference in Cerritos on May 9, 2018. The conference is entitled, building healthy future: Public health makes a difference. To register and for more information, log on to and click on the Events Section.
3. CalOSHA Courses: A 2-day comprehensive California OSHA Safety Course entitled, Essentials of Safety I-CalOSHA is scheduled in differentlocations. The American Safety Training, Inc. provides the flexibility to attend the 30 hr
program in 4 consecutive days or in 2-Day intervals at different course locations nationwide. CEU Credits apply for 14 hours for 2-Day, and 30 hours for 4-Day. Dates and locations are listed below:
Fresno, CA; May 1-2
San Francisco, CA; May 5-6
Sacramento, CA; May 8-9
San Jose, CA; May 12-13
Orange County, CA, May 15-16
Orange County, CA; June 9-12
For more information and to register, visit or
4. Center for Occupational & Environmental Health (COEH) Continuing Education Program at the University of California, Berkeley has the following programs available:
For more information and to register for these courses, visit Or call 510-643-7277.
(a) “Advanced Office Ergonomics III”
Monday, May 19, 2018 in Emeryville, CA
Wednesday, May 21, 2018 in Anaheim, CA . The cost is $350 each class .
For more information and to register for these courses, visit Or call 510-643-7277.
(b) Sixteenth Annual Occupational Health & Safety Institute
July 28 – August 1, 2018 at Holiday Inn Bay Bridge, Emeryville, CA
Choose from these classes:
“Comprehensive Review of Industrial Hygiene” (M-F) $975
“Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene” (M-F) $985
“Fundamentals of Workplace Safety” (M-T) $475
“Respiratory Protection Overview Update” (M-T) $475
“Workers’ Compensation Overview Update” (M-T) $475
“Hot Topics in Industrial Hygiene & Safety: High Impact Updates for the Busy Professional” (M-T) $475
“Health Effects of Mold” (W) $225
“Advances in the Diagnosis & Treatment of Work Disabilities” (W) $225
AAOHN co-sponsored “Core Curriculum in Environmenta Health Education” (W) $125
“Effective Communication & Leadership Skills for OHS Professionals” ( Th-F) $475
“Clinical Updates for Occupational Health Nurses” (Th-F) $475
“Occupational & Environmental Toxicology for OSH Professionals” (Th-F) $475
“Applied Industrial Ventilation” (Th-F) $475
“Ergonomics Job Analysis Techniques” (Th-F) $475
For more information and to register for these courses, visit Or call 510-643-7277.
5. Labor and Birth Nursing Core : Wednesdays and Thursdays May 7, 8, 21, 22, 2018 ; 0800 – 1700 at Loma Linda University. This is a four-day labor and birth nursing core class, which will focus on the nursing assessment and
care of the pregnant woman and her newborn in the labor and birth hospital setting. CE credit: 32.0 contact hours (BRN). For more information, visit
6. The summer EPI 100 course is available to employees of the Department of Health Services and others via the UCLA Summer Program. Summer Session A, 2018 (June 24 – July 31) Details on the course are found at:
7. The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center recently released the report from the Third Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Health Roundtable held in June 2002. The Gay & Lesbian Center has hosted three LGBT Health Roundtables, bringing together nationally known health and policy experts to discuss LGBT health issues and concerns. With support from the federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the Third LGBT Health Roundtable had a special focus on substance abuse treatment and prevention issues
affecting LGBT communities, as well as other leading topics in LGBT health such as cultural competency, HIV in communities of color and youth, spirituality and health, and sexual health and empowerment. The report recommends ways to improve access and quality of care for LGBT
populations and ways to reduce the health disparities faced by these communities. Copies may be requested by sending an email to and may be downloaded as a PDF at
8. Additional Training and Information Resources:
a. Smallpox Vaccination and Adverse Events Training Module.
For more information,
b. Interactive program to train clinicians on the recognition, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of smallpox; CME, CNE, CHES, and CEU credit available. For more information visit
c. Training Finder provides information on nearly 100 distance learning courses for public health professionals on bioterrorism and emergency preparedness. Click on “Search” to search by the
subject “Bioterrorism/Emergency Preparedness” or by keyword (e.g., smallpox). Use “Advanced Search” to combine search categories.
d. CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Training Providers of archived webcast links for the entire series of CDC preparedness broadcasts since October 18, 2001, plus slide sets.
e. Bioterrorism and Emergency Readiness: Competencies for ALL Public Health Workers
f. Communication During Crisis: The Role of Media During Public Health Emergencies (Video)
g. CDC Responds: Risk Communication and Bioterrorism (Video)
h. Emergency Preparedness: What’s Your Competency? (Video)
i. ASTHO Risk and Crisis Communications Tools (Webcast Archive and Downloadable Workbook)
j. National Library of Medicine – MEDLINEplus Health Topic on Smallpox
k. Institute of Medicine Reports
l. California Distance Learning Health Network (CDLHN)