Does Cranberry Juice and AZO Pills Get Weed Out Of Your System?
Cranberry juice and pills (like AZO) can help to temporarily get weed out of your system before a drug test. However, it cannot help you detox permanently.
We’ll tell you how cranberry affects the way our body processes THC and how to use it to pass a drug test.
How does cranberry juice affect marijuana detox?
To put it simply, there are three ways to improve the detoxification from marijuana:
- improving body fat breakdown
- improving marijuana metabolism in the liver
- blocking reabsorption during excretion
We published a detailed explanation of marijuana metabolism here: The Ultimate Guide to Marijuana Metabolism
Let’s analyze how cranberry can help us during each of these steps.
How cranberry juice affects body fat breakdown
Marijuana metabolites(THC and others) are stored in body fat. To remove marijuana from the body, we need to break down fat cells and release stored metabolites into the blood for excretion.
Here are nutrition facts:
- Unsweetened cranberry juice contains 9g of sugar per cup.
- Cranberry pills contain 12g of sugar per 100g.
Sugar has a very high glycemic index. This means that it quickly raises the level of sugar in the blood.
When blood sugar (or glucose) is high, your pancreas is triggered to produce more insulin to move that sugar out of your blood and into your cells.
That’s a problem for weight loss because your body only burns fat when it senses insulin levels dropping.
That’s why as long as the diet is high in carbohydrates(carbohydrates are sugars), the body never has a chance to burn its fat, making weight loss difficult.
In other words, when you drink cranberry juice(even unsweetened) your body starts using the sugar from the juice and stops burning body fat for energy. So it stops the release of THC from fat cells.
How cranberry juice affects marijuana metabolism in the liver
From blood, THC gets into the liver, where it is metabolized by CYP2C9, CYP1A2, CYP3A4, and other enzymes.
The studies showed that daily ingestion of cranberry juice does not affect the activities of these enzymes. Thus it will not help to detox from marijuana.
How cranberry juice affects excretion
When THC metabolites are excreted into the intestines, they can be reabsorbed back into the blood. This process is called “enterohepatic recirculation.”
To prevent this, we need to consume absorbents that will “soak” the metabolites and prevent their reabsorption.
Unfortunately, cranberry juice or pills are not such absorbents, so they will not help to detox marijuana faster at this stage.
How to use cranberry juice to pass a drug test
The good thing is that cranberry juice can be used to pass a drug test as a part of the same-day flushing method.
With this method, you temporarily flush the weed metabolites from your urine.
Thus the concentration of marijuana metabolites in the urine will drop, and you will be able to pee clean for several hours.
But you can substitute cranberry juice with sweetened water or any other drink with sugar. Any juice will work.
- Drink 1000 milliliters of cranberry juice mixed with electrolyte solution every hour for three hours before the test.
- Take vitamin B2
- Take creatine supplement
Here’s the detailed guide with step by step instructions on how to use this method: Proven Ways to Pass a Drug Test in 24 Hours With Flying Colors
Do AZO cranberry pills clean your system
AZO cranberry caplets are made with concentrated whole fruit cranberry powder and phenazopyridine to help flush and maintain urinary tract cleanliness.
The effects of these pills are the same as those of cranberry juice or pills.
Phenazopyridine does not have any effects on drug test results.
How many days you should take cranberry juice to remove weed
You should drink cranberry juice for about 3 hours to remove weed metabolites from the bladder. You will only temporarily remove weed metabolites from your urine.
How does cranberry juice flush out weed?
Juice makes you frequently urinate, thus flushing the metabolites with the urine.
The other effect is that juice temporarily stops fat breakdown, and new metabolites are not excreted in the urine. Your urine will be clean for several hours.